Kamisar Legal Search, Inc.

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Non-Legal Executive Recruiter Expertise

While attorneys, paralegals and contract managers that Mr. Kamisar has placed are all executives or professionals who have a strong association with the legal services industry, Mr. Kamisar also has strong expertise recruiting, placing and conducting searches for executives and professionals who are not associated with the legal services industry. Those professionals and executives include CEO's, CFO's, Compliance Professionals, Human Resources Managers, Actuaries, Safety Managers, Software Development Engineers, Portfolio Managers and Financial Advisors.

A strong confirmation of Mr. Kamisar's expertise as an executive recruiter in all industries is the fact that he has been recognized as a Certified Personnel Consultant (CPC) by the National Association of Personnel Services (NAPS), believed to be the largest and oldest organization of executive recruiters in the United States. NAPS grants this recognition to professionals who meet peer established criteria. That criteria indicates that the certified professional has mastered a body of knowledge or set skills determined to be important or essential to the practice of their profession. Mastery of the specific body of knowledge is determined by passing a certification examination, and requires that the certified consultant agrees to abide by the professional and ethical standards of the organization.

Mr. Kamisar has also done substantial work assisting numerous major Private Equity Funds as an executive recruiter for CEO's, Operators, General Counsel and other Executives, and also as an Intermediary on various transactions.

© 1999 Kamisar Legal Search, Inc.
Gordon A. Kamisar, Esq.